Understanding Miscarriage: Trying Again
You’ve been pregnant, so you know that chances are very good it can happen again if you want it to. Some people see a new pregnancy as a part of their healing process and a step on their road to recovery. If you want to try again, do so when you’re physically recovered and emotionally ready.
When to try again
You may decide to try again soon. Or you may prefer to wait. To increase the chances of a healthy pregnancy, your health care provider may suggest waiting 2 to 3 monthly period cycles. This builds up the uterine lining. As a result, the fertilized egg is more likely to implant correctly.
Having tests
If you have a second-trimester (late) miscarriage or repeat miscarriages, you may need a few tests. In some cases, tests can find the cause of miscarriage. Some causes, such as problems with the uterus, can often be fixed. If you have a general health problem, finding ways to cope with it may be all you need.
Healthy habits

After a first miscarriage, most people go on to have a healthy pregnancy. You can give a future baby the best start by eating a healthy diet. To help prevent problems during your next pregnancy, stay away from things that may place the baby at risk. While you're pregnant:
Don't smoke.
Don't drink alcohol.
Limit coffee, caffeinated beverages, and energy drinks.
Don't use drugs.
Don't go in hot tubs or saunas.
When you're ready
Your health is what matters. Wait until you feel fit in your body and mind before trying to get pregnant again. Until then, enjoy your time with loved ones.